Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The Importance Of Doing Business In Iraq - 1175 Words

Doing business in Iraq The business model, into this age of information, has integrated itself with many cultures. One of the results of this globalization is development and research into international business and work related culture. In a recent paper by Mooij Hofstede (2010), it found focus on researching and investigating culture is becoming more popular. Looking at the exponential growth and influence of international, more International Managers are becoming aware of the impact and importance of national culture on organizational culture. National Information of Iran GDP is a national measure of monetary value of all of the final goods, products and services, of a country in a given period. Nominal GDP is then used to distinguish†¦show more content†¦It dictates what we pay attention to, how we act and what we value.† As a result, many sociologists and anthropologists argue that it is easier for them to explain the culture rather than to define it (Hofstede, et al, 2010). Findings Table 1: Hofste’s findings Country IDV MAS PDI UAI LTO Indulgence Iraq 30 70 95 85 25 17 The index is out of 100* Power distance According to Hofstedes work, there is a high power distance index. This means the distance between people in different positions of power is very large. There is inequality in their power distribution and the Iraqi people accept the inequality. Here, people in higher positions would not even consider delegation of work to people in a lower organizational position. Individualism The findings also found that the collectivistic nature of their country. Here individuals within the organization only pursue their goals after consideration of the company or the group. In addittion, Iraqis accept their place in society and there is no need for justification of your position. They live to work and they â€Å"maintain rigid codes of belief and behaviour and are intolerant of unorthodox behaviour and ideas.† Uncertainty Avoidance Iraq scores high in Power Distance, Masculinity, and Uncertainty Avoidance. These are the most common scores of underdeveloped countries, both psychologically and within society. This high score in UAI is likely due to religion that is a large part of their culture. They demonstrate thisShow MoreRelatedThe Invention Of The Automobile Industry Essay1150 Words   |  5 Pagesallowed everyone to own a automobile. In this paper I will argue the importance of cars through history and why cars are the biggest history humans have created using too expecific examples from history. The T model reinvented the automobile industry making automobiles accessible for every social class. And almost a century after Toyota car company reinvented again the automobile industry creating the first hybrid named Prius. 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