Monday, December 30, 2019

The Importance of Political and Economic Sovereignty in Iceland Free Essay Example, 1750 words

Iceland is a stable democracy in which human rights are a major concern and focus of government (Olsen, 2010). Prior to the financial crisis, the assets of Old Landsbanki, a major European bank, were frozen in the United Kingdom under the Anti Terrorism, Crime and Security Act from 2001 (Iceland Chamber of Commerce, 2012). Though this is just one example, this closure of activities from Old Landsbanki has significant financial consequences for the Icelandic banking sector. In this instance, the United Kingdom had the regulatory powers established to intervene in banking assets without consultation with other EU member countries. This is primarily why Iceland deems economic sovereignty important in the country as many banks are connected with international capital and investment markets, allowing subsidiaries to be regulated by a foreign government and not the Icelandic government system. When other countries can impact the stability of financial trading partners, it lessens control over the Icelandic government to guarantee the longevity of international banks impacting domestic financial stability. Iceland is left, in many situations, to have to appeal to NATO, the EU or the WTO to gain advocacy and intervention when foreign political actors have domestic or international authorities to disrupt the Icelandic financial system and its stability. We will write a custom essay sample on The Importance of Political and Economic Sovereignty in Iceland or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now As head of state, it would be crucial for Iceland to continue to push for membership in the European Union. Even though Iceland values its political and economic sovereignty, the country needs more influence in setting international laws that currently impact the financial system in Iceland either directly or indirectly. As one example, a recent situation occurred where a charity organization known as Naomi House went bankrupt virtually overnight. Naomi House was a hospice located in England sustaining 8.7 million USD in assets that were held in Icelandic banks (Forelle, 2008). These assets were frozen by government agents in the United Kingdom and will likely never be available again as valid deposits for Icelandic banks.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Ophelia Essay - 1494 Words

Ophelia A play with great value and quality would best describe one of Shakespeare’s intriguing plays, Hamlet. Events, dilemmas, action, and the characters all contribute greatly to make the play interesting and appealing. Every event that occurs leads to the outcome of dilemmas and action. The characters personalities is what makes the action is even more exciting. Each character has got their own special significance in the roles they play. However Ophelia, the daughter of the Lord Chamberlain Polonius, allows an atmosphere of simplicity and delicacy to surround the play. Her simple nature causes inner thoughts that allow us to question her true character. From the start of the play Ophelia seems to always keep her distance and†¦show more content†¦She had been scared from his appearance and the way he looked at her. She exclaims, â€Å"O, my lord, my lord, I have been so affrighted.† (2.1. 74) â€Å"As if he had been loosed out of hell to speak of horrors - he comes before me† (2.1. 82-83) after having met Hamlet. She describes his bizarre looks and believes, as her father does, that the cause of his distraction is his love towards her. Hamlet had been trying to find relief for his deep grief in her. However, her naà ¯ve character didn’t allow her to infer that there was something so much worse gnawing at Hamlet. Her father drags this incident to Claudius and Gertrude who agree to devise a plan to spy on Hamlet, using Ophelia. She doesn’t object. For the sake of obedience and loyalty to her father, she looses Hamlet’s love. She is greatly terrified by Hamlet’s actions and when he dec lares that he doesn’t love her. â€Å"You should not have believed me†¦I loved you not† (3.1. 118-121) After being very feisty and robust with her she exclaims her sorrow by saying, â€Å"And I, of ladies most deject and wretched, that sucked the honey of his music vows†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (3.1. 154-155) At this situation she is gullible and very vulnerable. Hamlet had hurt her bluntly and left her to deal with the sorrows she felt. However, that was due to him knowing of her betrayal, agreeing to help them spy on him. He needed Ophelia for comfort and was raging when he found nothing. During the play ‘Mouse-trap’ that HamletShow MoreRelatedRelationship Between Ophelia And Ophelia1437 Words   |  6 PagesThe kind of relationship Hamlet and Ophelia had was not only complex but it was very problematic. I believe that Ophelia truly thought she would marry Hamlet even though her father and brother told her to stay away from him because â€Å"she could never end up with a man like that.† Laertes stated â€Å"Hamlet might love you now, he is subject to his birth. He also told her before he left for school again â€Å"Fear it, Ophelia; fear it, my dear sister, And keep you in the rear of your affection, Out of the shotRead MoreOphelia Essay2131 Words   |  9 PagesHamlet there contains two woman who exactly that. Ophelia and the woman from the poem both topple off the edge. These two women show us just how easy feeling too much can lead us to absolute insanity. Both of these women face unspeakable tragedies that lead to their lives in upheaval. S omething of equal importance is that by the end of this misadventure Ophelia is not left standing while the other woman is, this can be deduced by the fact that Ophelia is forced to feel the pain alone contrary to theRead MoreGertrude and Ophelia 1014 Words   |  5 Pagesare portrayed to deserve their fate because of their inability to be independent and their ability to be easily influenced. In the play, Shakespeare demonstrates that both Gertrude and Ophelia deserve their fate. The women deserve their fate because of their inability to be independent. Polonius instructs Ophelia to be aware of her shallow emotions and to display herself as more valuable by not responding to Hamlets every command. When Polonius says, †¦ these blazes, daughter, Giving moreRead MoreReviving Ophelia1717 Words   |  7 PagesThe book, Reviving Ophelia, is about the hardships girls go through when they are growing up and trudging through puberty. As the author Mary Pipher states it, adolescent girls tend to lose their â€Å"true selves† in order to fit in and comply with the standards that society sets for women. Pipher, a practicing therapist, uses her own case studies to show how pressures put on girls forces them to react in often damaging ways. In most case studies she tells the audience how she helped these girls healRead MoreOphelia And Hamlet1903 Words   |  8 Pagescreation of Hamlet, Shakespeare uses the voice of Ophelia as a means to battle the gender norms that had been placed on Elizabethan society. A good women was seen as someone that was quiet and submissive. If a man could not control a woman’s tongue, there would be no chance that the man would be able to control her body. Though Ophelia’s character was more than capable of exhibiting reason, the control that her father, Polonius, held over her let Ophelia to the the madness that would claim her life byRead MoreHamlets Love for Ophelia1231 Words   |  5 Pagesprimarily between Hamlet and Ophelia. From Act one until the final scene of the play, Hamlet struggles with the decision to kill Claudius while he concurrently tries to comprehend the chaos surrounding him. As the story unfolds and the tensions build between Hamlet and his loved ones, Hamlet’s relationship to Ophelia is profoundly impacted. One common argument that rises from studying the tragic story of  Hamlet  is the questioning of Hamlet’s love; specifically for Ophelia.   Many often conclude thatRead MoreOphelia, By William Shakespeare Essay766 Words   |  4 PagesOphelia, as a person, is essentially formed by the men in her life. This is not a radical idea: it has been embraced by centuries of Shakespeare critics. However, to go slightly deep er, one could consider what exactly the absence of Hamlet, Polonius, and Laertes has on her identity (outside of madness). This scene serves to force her into a new persona, as one without a personality. Ophelia is no longer a maid. She says this herself with, â€Å"And I a maid at your window, to be your Valentine...OutRead MoreThe Madness Of Hamlet And Ophelia1131 Words   |  5 PagesThe Madness of Hamlet and Ophelia Hamlet is one of Shakespeare’s most famous plays. In it, a young, Danish prince struggles with the death of his father and the betrayal of his mother. This struggle is so profound; it shakes its main character Hamlet to the core and brings him to the brink of sanity. Shakespeare uses madness to convey important information throughout the play especially through Hamlet and his love interest, Ophelia. Hamlet does not always appear to be mad, in fact throughoutRead MoreOphelia And Feminism Essay1471 Words   |  6 Pagesthe play Hamlet Written by William Shakespeare Ophelia is objectified based upon her gender and virginity by her brother Laertes, and is cast aside and treated like a powerless second class citizen by Hamlet. The Oxford Dictionary defines feminism as â€Å"The advocacy of women s rights on the grounds of the equality of the sexes.† Applying the feminist ideal as stated in the previous definition to Ophelia’s situation we can reach the conclusion th at Ophelia was not treated with the respect and given theRead More Hamlet: Branaghs Ophelia and Showalters Representing Ophelia1989 Words   |  8 PagesHamlet: Branaghs Ophelia and Showalters Representing Ophelia      Ã‚  Ã‚   Ophelia falls to the floor, her screams contrasting eerily with the song pieces she uses as her speech.   In an instant she is writhing and thrusting her pelvis in such a gross sexual manner that it becomes clear that, in his film interpretation of William Shakespeares Hamlet, Kenneth Branagh wants to imply a strong relationship between female insanity and female sexuality.   Such a relationship is exactly what Elaine Showalter

Friday, December 13, 2019

Internship Free Essays

In considering the Internship component I feel Ilke there are a lot of opportunities In Quito that support a wide variety of my interests. want to work with a non-profit that works on a grassroots organizing level with the populations that do not fit into the mainstream of Comment: Make sure you specify what sector you would like to work in (business, arts, non-profit, government, etc. ) Comment: Once you have chosen a sector, Is there a specific focus that you would Ilke to work with? Education, grassroots, public service etc. We will write a custom essay sample on Internship or any similar topic only for you Order Now Ecuadorian society. Specifically, an organization that works with internal migration from the Comment: The more specific you are, the better! Andes or Colombia due to Plan Colombia) or with prison populations would be perfect for me. I have significant experience with solidarity organizations but more limited experience with groups that function squarely within marginalized groups and I would like to be able to transfer those skills. Another interest of mine that I have done some academic work around but that I would really love to engage further is to look at the gender/race/class implications of the coca industry and the War on Drugs. Populations that are Involved In this are often Indigenous and very poor, and omen occupy a unique position In this ongoing struggle. while In Peru In 2005 1 worked with female prisoners, who were overwhelmingly there because of drug trafficking. Comment: Do you have any past experiences that you feel will prepare you for this internship? Working with people who are struggling to Integrate themselves into cultural norms which they do not naturally fit will compliment the work that will be doing In St. Paul with recent Comment: Mention any on-campus or summer experiences that relate immigrants over the summer and will give me further insight into how race and other identities shift in transition and migration. According to Its website HECUA offers internships with organizations that work with Comment: Do research on past internship! Talk to 1 OF3 tne organlzatlon, or 100K on tnelr weDslte Tor information on past internships – include specifics on the logistics of the internship migration and prisons. Both Casa del Migrante (House of the Migrant) and CEDHU (a Human Rights, Prison Rights group) are on the list of possible placements incorporate education into their framework which is something that is very important to me. Through courses I have taken such as Experiences in Education and Urban Political Change and also work I have done in high school I have come to highly value education as a means for social change. I have worked at the Comment: Discuss past internships that directly relate to your chosen field International Center of New York, and will do similar work at Neighborhood House and both these institutions have developed a commitment to adult education and a desire to connect adults with educational opportunities that will give them both survival skills but also a greater insight into their situations and the world around them. I also want to work with indigenous populations, specifically the Quechua people, ho Comment: Incorporate your specific academic goals and relate them to your chosen internship make up a large percentage of the populations in both Ecuador and Peru. When I was in Peru I was in an almost entirely Quechua city and I would be very interested in juxtaposing that with a more diverse city in terms of race and class. I am very interested in how indigenous culture transitions into the city. In addition to having worked with Quechua communities in Peru, I also Comment: State your learning goals for the internship have many Quechua Peruvians in my family, and through watching their experience ave developed a keen interest into how that identity is somewhat malleable and how it plays out after leaving a majority Quechua world. Not only do I have personal connections to this group but I have done a considerable amount of research around the Quechua Indians as a social movement in Indigenous People’s Movements last year and thus working in an organizing situation side-byside with this population would really compliment my academic research. Comment: Discuss your educational goals and trajectory – what classes have you taken that prepare you for this internship? In closing, tne perTect nt organization Tor me would De one tnat comDlnes polltlcal organizing with community work, i. . one that addresses both the structural and the personal sides of an issue†migration, drug trafficking, etc. An organization like this is what I have trained here at Macalester to admire and I feel like the combination of real world solutions and social critique would teach me a lot and give me an opportunity to contribute. Comment: You should also include any information you have about how the program will grade you on this internship – are you required to keep Journals, write a paper, do a presentation etc? How to cite Internship, Papers Internship Free Essays They basically wants to ensure that HASH branches which are in the right locations for their customers and on occasions this means that they need to close those branches where customers foot fall has fallen dramatically or there has been a shift in customer shopping patterns. And also raise the transaction cost from E to E. 0 In he name of the new fees were part of a providing â€Å"clearer and more transparent pricing. We will write a custom essay sample on Internship or any similar topic only for you Order Now † The bank also said behind of cost cutting bank want to switching to be ‘hassle-free’ , standard IS- turn on free accounts and free banking claim is ‘ridiculous’. They also said the closures branches were a result of customers using the branch network less than they used to â€Å"we are seeing a shift to customers using phone, Internet and mobile devices. † For this kind of reasons the HASH cope with cost cutting Q. 2. The Impacts of cost cutting on overall Financial Performance of HASH (comparison with past year)? Answer: For the Impacts of cost cutting they have closed about 70 branches in the I-J last year and more than 50 in 2011 and in 2013, 9 branches has been closed and declared with 85 closures in UK towns and cities so far this year. The bank has closed more than 200 branches in the I-J over the last three years and Derek French, of the campaign for community banking services, expressed some surprise at Hash’s plans â€Å"These figures suggest that after a pause, they are now galloping ahead with closures, as in previous years. † It is thought a further 20 closure announcements will e made before October. When the branches of HASH at Alongside Penumbras and Conway- which is the only bank in the town with a cash machine are due to closed in February, 2013. Town leaders criticized the decision and called for the bank to reconsider the closing branches. Some of their state PM And Alongside the town mayor Bob Label said the closure was â€Å"terrible news† for residents, business and tourists. And he Explained the impacts over economy by saying â€Å"l am very surprised by what the bank is claiming about the economic viability of Alongside branch in IEEE of the huge number of tourists who visit our town, especially during the summer months. So, all of them when the bank branches are closed their political members realized the regional economical condition is under threat. Also the impact on increase its charges for 700,000 small business customers, with many losing their free banking service. They said new fees were part of an overhaul of accounts aimed at providing â€Å"cleared , more transparent pricing. † Minimizing plan for cost cutting they increased fees of transaction as a result the small business customers is effected. They also said some customers would see their charges reduced. So called Free banking ‘Myth’ the bank impose some extra charges on each small business transaction. The issue of â€Å"Free banking† system sparked controversy from last year. Q. 3 The Benefits of cost cutting on the performance of HASH (I. E. NYSE and ELSE). The share pence of HASH (ELSE: HASH) (NYSE: HASH. US) fell by APP to IPPP dung early expectations. The 3% fall in its share price made it the leading loser among FETES 100 blue-chips. The bank reported profits of $22. Ban (EYE. Ban), compared with $20. Ban in 012, boosted by a range of cost-cutting measures. In total the bank made $1. Ban in savings by, among other things, reducing Jobs as well as cracking down on the number of staff taking business-class flights. The bank currently employs 254,000 full-time staff, down from 295,000 at the beginning of 2011. In total $4. Ban has been saved since 2011 , exceeding targets set by the bank. Revenue was stable, coming in at $63. Ban compared with $61. Ban in 2012, underpinned by a â€Å"resilient† performance in the global banking markets business, as well as growth in the commercial banking division. Pay for chief executive Stuart Glover increased last year from $7. Mm to $mm while the bonus pool increased 6% to $3. Ban. The chief executive commented: â€Å"Our performance in 2013 reflects the strategic measures we have taken over the past three years. Today the Group is leaner and simpler than in 2011 with strong potential for growth. In 2013 we grew underlying profits by US$6. Ban, generated US $10. 1 ban in core tier 1 capital, achieved an additional IIS$I . Ban of sustainable cost- savings and declared IIS$9. Ban in dividends in respect of the year. Our strong capital generation continues to support our progressive dividend policy and reinforces Hash’s status as one of the best capitalized banks in the world. † Earnings per share increased from app to app while the dividend was increased from app to app. Therefore, taking into account the hit to Hash’s share price earlier, the shares may therefore trade on a PIE of 13 and offer a potential income of 4. 5% Of course, the decision to ‘buy’ ? based on those ratings, today’s results and the wider prospects for the banking sector ? remains your own decision. How to cite Internship, Papers Internship Free Essays Internship is an official program for the undergraduates or graduate students who work between certain periods of time which has a benefit to gain practical work or reason related experience. (www.internship. We will write a custom essay sample on Internship or any similar topic only for you Order Now com, n.d.) In the other hand it is a way which helps to bridge the gap between â€Å"Academic† the â€Å"Real† world. (Spring, 2011) And also internship can be defined as the opportunity provided for the students / undergraduates to link with the industry upgrade the knowledge about industrial practices. This may become a practical and compulsory fulfilment of the degree program. Internship helps students to identify whether the career of interest is a â€Å"good fit† and also it will indicate the understanding about what career that suits you. In other words, internships can help you to decide if a particular career is something you’re interested in or not. Internship program provides the opportunity for students to clarify career objectives and verify career choices. (Spring, 2011) Internships are a great way to prepare students for their future career. It gives them a deeper understanding of the path they want to take, and puts them in a situation in which they can learn first-hand what it feels like to work in their chosen Profession. Before University Students graduate they often need to complete the internship Program. (Carniol, 2018) Internships provide students with an opportunity to test abilities and attitudes toward particular material or career possibilities for the future. Students who has decided to participate in internship program can broaden their future career opportunities through networking ; establishing positive working relationship with their employers. These relationships can’t build only through academics but, useful applications of the knowledge gained from the academics is a determinant for the real life career. (Spring, 2011) Students who took part in the applied learning of the internship had a greater consciousness about the issues in the society. (Seon-Young Lee) When the students have their own motivation for the community service through internship, personal growth can be increased greatly. (Wilson J. Gonzalez-Espada, November,2006) An Internship program involves different parties such as Students, employers/supervisors, program coordinators, sponsoring university ; the Government Authority related to the internships. Everyone involved in an internship program should have specified roles and responsibilities. (Jackel, December 2011) And also Internship Program Expectations are varying according to each parties that involved. A student expects an internship program should be stimulated intellectually and also it should be supported to enhance the skills needed for future employment. The program coordinators/departments expect that internship will be an opportunity for the students to apply classroom knowledge to the real-world setting. The employer/Company hopes the internship program partnership to be a path to determine hiring ; retaining talented students seeking permanent employment after the internship program. The university expects that an internship program will create a community partnership with a potential new employer, or to keep an existing partnership through productive and effective work done by university students which are interns.(Roger, 1979) Universities take a major role of in making internship program more appealing to and productive for the undergraduates by giving course credit for internships and also it is a way of facing the competition for the jobs. (Jackel, December 2011) General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University also has started providing internship opportunities for the day scholars since Intake 29. Upto now, Intake 29,30,31,32 ; 33 has already participated in their Internship Program. KDU has linked with National Apprentice and Industrial Training Authority (NAITA) and introduced comprehensive internship program for the KDU undergraduates to bloom their talents with the industry. KDU moves undergraduates as interns and it is a partial fulfillment of the degree program that nearly go for 6 months Industrial Training and the most of the undergraduates work as permanent employees after the Industrial training. Sometimes, due to the involvement of NAITA, KDU can’t control the overall process of the internship program. Therefore, KDU has to fulfill the requirements of NAITA such as Documents, Reports and Guidelines. We have conducted an exploratory study among KDU past undergraduates (Intake 31, 32, 33 -Logistics Management). According to the study we identified that the employment rate among the undergraduates have not achieved 100%. It means it may be personal reasons or the internship program has not supported for them. For example, some students may be faced some problems such as sexual Harassments or any other harassments from the company Supervisors during the internship program. Although the students want to quit the organization due to those reasons, students can’t quit because of the NAITA requirements. So the students will suffer from stress. It means that the Internship program objectives couldn’t be able to achieve as expected. That may be a practical problem of the internship program. And also there is a doubt whether the internship program has enabled the students to secure in the job market in the competitive environment. Although there are some researchers conducted in global context, There is no single research conducted in Sri Lankan Context and even in the KDU to measure and identify the student perspective affect for the internship program. So to overcome the issues and implement the changes, we conducted this research by finding the students’ perspective of successful internship program. We took the population as the day scholars of KDU in Intake 31, 32;33 Logistics Management as follows; Population Intake 31 †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 52 Undergraduates Intake 32†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 71 Undergraduates Intake 33†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 55 Undergraduates Total population †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 178 Undergraduates We selected the sample size as 80 Undergraduates from the population. 1.2 Scope of the study The scope of this study is to give an understanding about factors that affecting for the successful internship program on students’ perspective with special reference to undergraduate day scholars of Intake 31, 32, 33. It will be helpful to become success in the internship program. According to our conducted Exploratory study we identified that the employment rate among the undergraduates have not achieved 100%. So to overcome the issues and implement the changes, we are conducting this research by finding the students’ perspective of successful internship program. Therefore, this study will beneficial for undergraduates who are willing to enter in to industrial training to develop their qualified characteristics. 1.3 Justification of the problems The internship program has designed by the involvement of administrative lecturers of the Faculty of Management and NAITA. So they are making the internship program according to their ideas and perspectives. Therefore, the lecturers’ perspectives are different from students. But the benefits are gained by the undergraduates, so they have the ability to look closely at the internship whether it is useful or not. If the internship program is successful then it doesn’t occur a problem, but if the internship program is not successful there should be a change. As there is no single research conducted in Sri Lankan context and even in the KDU to measure and identify the student perspective of internship program, we decided to do the research based on the internship program by considering the undergraduate day scholars of Intake 31, 32;33 Logistics Management, KDU. 1.4 Objectives of the study 1.4.1 Primary Objectives To examine the student perspective of the internship program. 1.4.2 Secondary Objectives To examine factors affecting on successfulness of internship program 1.5 Research Questions This study tries to answer following research questions. †¢ What are the student perspective of the internship program? †¢ What are the mostly influenced student perspectives of successful internship program? 1.6 Research Hypothesis H1: Skill Development, Self-confidence and Attitudes developed through Internship Program affect the success of Internship Program. H2: Academic Preparedness and Evaluation is positively associated with internship successfulness. s H3: Career Development is a factor which affect for the successfulness of the Internship Program. H4: Compensation of the Interns is a major factor for the Internship Successfulness. H5: Experiential Education developed through Internship Program affect the success of Internship Program. 1.7 Significance of the Study The significance of this study is to identify the factors affected on successful internship Program on the perspective of KDU students and to identify the requirements of business industries. Also, this will able to provide better understanding about industrial training to the undergraduates and this will help undergraduates to improve their performance in academic studies and extracurricular activities. To identify the student perspective of the internship program, we have conducted an exploratory study among KDU past undergraduates (Intake 31, 32, 33 -Logistics Management). According to study we identified the employment rate among the undergraduates have not achieved 100%. It means it may be personal reasons or the internship program has not supported properly. And also there is a doubt whether the internship program has enabled the students to secure in the job market in the competitive environment. If there are any changes to do for the internship program we can identify and it will be helpful to do the implementation. That’s the reason why we are doing this research. CHAPTER 02 Literature review 2.1 Introduction When we consider about the global context, there are some researches which have conducted regarding the factors affecting for the successful internship program. The competency and motivation of all parties involved are indispensable for a successful internship programs â€Å"Being a valuable component of higher education academic program, Internship is believed to create win-win situation for the students, organization as well as the university. (Coco, 2000).Therefore we can identify three perspectives which divide the factors affecting for a successful internship program according to the previous researches. Organizational Perspective (to take advantage from the intern offering a least compensation) University Perspective (to give a good internship program and secure the job) Student Perspective (To have a secured job and good compensation) Therefore, we discovered the following factors under the above three perspectives. Organizational Perspective Effectiveness of the Supervision Task clarity University Perspective Effective Design of the Internship Program Involvement of the University regarding the Evaluation of Internship Program Student Perspective Skill Development, Self-confidence and Attitudes Academic Preparedness and Evaluation Career Development Compensation Industry Exposure Therefore, we can describe and justify the factors with the reference to the previous researches. 1. Organizational Perspective Effectiveness of the Supervision The strategic role of supervisors may determine the internship experience is positive or not. Interns’ perception of supervision effectiveness is significantly correlated with job placement success and overall job performance. (Gabris, October 31, 2009) Effective supervision during internship such as â€Å"being supportive, demonstrates high work standard and competence, provide frequent feedback, provides more opportunities for individuals to explore career interests and resolve conflicts† are very important. (Taylor, 1988). The support from the supervisor is a commitment to the employee by the organization. (Mowday, 1998).It means a supervisor is helpful to make the commitment of the employee by showing the interest and as a representer of communicating and valuing of him or her in the organization. (Dixon, 2005) From the above previous researches we can identify that the Effectiveness of supervision is positively associated with the successful internship program. Task clarity In the task Clarity it includes the task outputs such as task goals and standards and also task activities which mean by how work is accomplished. The organization expect that the certain goals and standards from the intern. They expect that the intern will fulfill his or her task in the organizational goals and achievements. (Sawyer, 1992). Sometimes, poor planning of work assignments caused frustration among interns. (Rothman, 2007) And also unclear roles contribute to stress and poor performance of the interns. (Kahn, 1964)Therefore, developing a proper job description, (Crumbley, 1998)), providing a reasonable time frame for accomplishing tasks of the intern and establishing a clear understanding of what is to be accomplished can be helpful to the interns to fulfill the given tasks. (Rothman, 2007). From the above previous researches we can identify that the Task clarity is positively associated for the successfulness of the internship program. University Perspective Effective Design of the Program Designing an effective internship program may involve many different factors. When a program coordinator is developing How to cite Internship, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Analysis Of A Separate Peace Essay Example For Students

Analysis Of A Separate Peace Essay The title of the novel A Separate Peace implies many insights which show how tranquillity existed at the Devon School; that which occurred during a specific time period, or that of certain characters. The Summer Session of Devon served as a peaceful interval between the spring and fall semesters, during which Gene and Phineas found peace within themselves. The Summer Session was a few dozen boys being force-fed education. The rules were not enforced strictly, if they were enforced at all. The boys had been an idiosyncratic, leaderless band†¦undirected except by the eccentric notions of Phineas. (Knowles, 66. During the Summer Session, Gene and Phineas were also ineligible to be drafted into the army. They were in shaky transit from the status of Lower Middler to Upper Middler, and were not old enough to go to war. (Knowles, 7. ) Because of their playful behavior and their age, the boys lived a separate peace, away from rules, the rest of the world, and the war. At the termination of the Summer Session, Gene commented that peace had deserted Devon. (Knowles, 64. ) Another example of how a separate peace had existed at Devon was Phineas. On page 195, Gene comments on how nothing had broken harmonious and natural unity. Knowles, 195. ) The one way in which Finny achieved and maintained his state of harmony was denial. The most evident example was his response to the war. His view was that there isn t any war, and the whole situation was invented by fat old men in attempt to keep the kids in line. His reaction was caused by the fact that he happened to be injured, and unable to participate. Finny s way in establishing a separate peace for himself was in complete denial of the situation. Another evident example of creating a state of denial was his relationship with Gene. On page 62, Gene confesses to Finny that he deliberately ounced the limb so would fall off, and Finny responds, of course you didn t. (Knowles, 62. ) It was possible that he knew the truth about Gene, considering he had feelings about what had happened. He confesses these feelings to Gene, and quickly dismisses them, and even apologizes for having them in the first place, which shows that he observed Gene s true evil and forced himself to deny it. (Knowles, 58. ) This denial helped Finny find peace within himself, and to be at peace with Gene. The last example of a separate peace was that which Gene found within himself. He had always had trouble finding his true character, nd he helped himself do so by somewhat becoming a part of Phineas. On page 54, Gene decides to put on Finny s clothes, for no apparent reason. He looks in the mirror and realizes that he was Phineas, Phineas to the life. (Knowles, 54. ) At his new realization of character, Gene says that he would never stumble through the confusions of own character again. (Knowles, 54. ) After Finny s accident, Dr. Stanpole tells Gene that Phineas would never be able to play sports again. Gene decides he wanted no more of sports, as though when Dr. Stanpole said Sports are finished he had been speaking of . Knowles, 76. ) In this way, Gene felt he was a part of Phineas, and at peace with himself. When Finny dies, Gene did not cry then or ever about him. He felt as if he had died himself. (Knowles, 186. ) This shows how Gene had found his true self and was at peace by becoming a part of Finny. In conclusion, there were several forms of separate peace that existed at Devon, the most significant being that of the Summer Session, and that which Gene and Finny established for themselves. In all forms of peace, a world had been created apart from that of trouble, misunderstanding of character, reality, and war.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Essay Examples on The Vietnam War Essay Example

Essay Examples on The Vietnam War Paper 1st Essay Sample on The Vietnam War The war in Vietnam was mostly a helicopter and air war there were many jets and helicopters that had been shot down in the enemy controlled areas in the than that a survivor of a one of these crashes were captured they would become a prisoner of war or POW’s Violations of the Geneva Convention occurred in the Vietnam War (1959-1975). Ill treatment of prisoners was brought to light by the Red Cross throughout the war. In September 1969 the North Vietnamese Red Cross declared that U.S. pilots, guilty of â€Å"crimes against humanity,† would not be given the protections afforded by the Geneva Convention. South Vietnamese mistreatment of prisoners of war was alleged in 1970 in reports that so-called tiger cages were used to confine North Vietnamese prisoners. In the Vietnamese conflict, a major concern in negotiations between the United States and North Vietnam was the release of hundreds of American prisoners of war and the repatriation of both North and South Vietnamese prisoners. By 1971 the prospects of U.S. withdrawal from Vietnam depended largely on a solution of the prisoner-of-war problem, which had been employed as a bargaining point by North Vietnam. On February 12, 1973, after the signing of the cease-fire in January, thefirst contingent of 143 American military and civilian prisoners of war arrived in the Philippines. During the following weeks, 444 prisoners were released. Two decades later, more than 2000 U.S. soldiers remained unaccounted for and are listed as missing in action. 2nd Essay Sample on The Vietnam War Throughout the past century, there have been numerous controversial topics from suffrage to slavery.Perhaps one of the most controversial, at least in my opinion, was the war in Vietnam. Even today, right now, if you ask someone what he or she thinks about the Vietnam War, you are sure to get an earful.But, while opinions have their place, the real questions still linger. How did this war start? What was the United States involvement in the war? Lastly, was the price that the United States paid worth it? These are the questions I posed to myself, and then set out to try and answer here, in this paper. The Vietnamese War, as defined to me in the New StandardEncyclopedia,was anundeclaredwarforthecontrolofSouthVietnam,startingin 1957andendingin1975.The war began as a Communist guerrilla campaign supported by North Vietnam, who sought control of South Vietnam. The United States feared that Communism would spread, and President Eisenhowers Domino Theory was born. By 1965 the United States assumed a major role when units of Marines became thefirst combat troops in South Vietnam. In April, thefirst North Vietnamese regular units infiltrated South Vietnam. President Johnson increased United States involvement in July of that same year by strengthening arms by 125,000 men. By the end of 1965, there were 181,000 American troops along with troops sent by South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand. August of 1968 was without a doubt the bloodiest and most horrific year of the war that the American soldiers had to endure. This was the year of the Tet Offensive, which had started in January of that year with the North Vietnamese launching major attacks on more than 30 major cities. The Communists were driven out after weeks of never ending battles during which they suffered substantial losses. We will write a custom essay sample on Essay Examples on The Vietnam War specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Essay Examples on The Vietnam War specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Essay Examples on The Vietnam War specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer

Monday, November 25, 2019

The Impact of Global Warming and Desertification Essay Example

The Impact of Global Warming and Desertification Essay Example The Impact of Global Warming and Desertification Paper The Impact of Global Warming and Desertification Paper Global warming (climate change) also leads to sea-level rise with its attendant consequences, and includes fiercer weather, increased frequency and intensity of storms, floods, hurricanes, droughts, increased frequency of fires, poverty, malnutrition and series of health and socio-economic consequences. It has a cumulative effect on natural resources and the balance of nature. Desertification in Nigeria arises from the demands of increased populations that settle on the land in order to grow crops and graze animals. However, desertification is presently affecting the eleven rather states and is also considered the most pressing environmental problem and accounts for about 73% out of the estimated total cost of about US$5. 110 billion per annum the country is losing arising from environmental degradation (United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, 1999). This paper discusses briefly, the menace of global warming and desertification, the causes of this menace and solutions. Further, it analyses the extent and the impact of global warming and desertification on the Nigerian ecosystem. INTRODUCTION Nigeria has a rarity of ecosystems, from mangroves and rainforests on the Atlantic coast in the south to the Savannah in the north bordering the Sahara. Whether dry or wet, these ecosystems are being battered by global warming and desertification and the impact can be vast. In the aspect of globalization, some stable ecosystems such as the Sale Savanna may become vulnerable because global warming will reinforce existing patterns of water scarcity and increase the risk of drought in Nigeria and indeed most countries in West Africa. As well, the countrys aquatic ecosystems, wetlands and Other habitats ill create overwhelming problems for an already impoverished populace. Preliminary studies on the vulnerability of various sectors of the Nigerian economy to Climate Change were conducted by the Nigerian Environmental Study/Action Team (NEST). The sectors evaluations were based on seven natural and human systems identified by the Intergovernmental panel on climatic change (EPIC), and were later condensed into five. They include: ; Human settlements and health; ; Water resources, wetlands, and freshwater ecosystems; ; Energy, industry, commerce, and financial services; Agriculture, food security, Global Warming, forestry, and biodiversity; and ; Coastal zone and marine ecosystems. The study determined that virtually all of the sectors analyzed manifested some evidence of vulnerability to global warming. None were unaffected, nor will remain unaffected in future by changes in climatic conditions. In fact, more recent assessment although in regional and global scale, not only corroborate the patterns established by Canada-Nigeria Climate Change Capacity Development Project(CNN-CDC) reports but captured more stubbing scenarios using more embracing and sophisticated approaches (Intergovernmental panel on Climatic Change, 2007). Indications are that the climate system is more sensitive than originally thought. Scientists have spent decades figuring out what is causing global warming. They have looked at the natural cycles and events that are known to influence climate. But the amount and pattern of warming that is been measured cant be explained by these factors alone. The only way to explain the pattern is to include the effect of greenhouse gases (Eggs) emitted by humans. One of the first things scientists learned is that there are several greenhouse gases responsible for warming, and humans emit them in a variety of ways. Most come from the combustion of fossil fuels in cars, factories and electricity production. The gas responsible for the most warming is carbon dioxide, also called ICC. Other contributors include methane released from landfills and agriculture (especially from the digestive systems of grazing animals), nitrous oxide from fertilizers, gases used for refrigeration and industrial processes, and the loss of forests that would otherwise store ICC. Desertification could be described as the spread of a desert environment into arid or semiarid regions, caused by climatic changes, human influence, or both. (Cline 2007) Climatic factors include periods of temporary but severe drought and long- term climatic changes toward dryness. Human factors include artificial climatic alteration, as through the removal of vegetation (which can lead to unnaturally high erosion), excessive cultivation, and the exhaustion of water supplies. Desertification drains an arid or semiarid land of its life-supporting capabilities. It is one of the major causes of global warming. About 81. 5 billion metric tons of carbons are added into the atmosphere annually out of which about 3. 5 billion metric tons are contributed by deforestation, fossil fuels, organic matter, forest fire and other human activities. Asthma and Asthma, 2003). It is characterized by a declining groundwater table, salt accumulation in topsoil and water, a decrease in surface water, increasing erosion, and the disappearance of native vegetation. Moreover, desertification is often accompanied by Global Warming in arid and semi-arid areas resulting from arioso factors including climate variations and human activities therefore, leading to loss of arable land, displac ement, resettlement and loss of grazing land. The Nigerian first National Communication (2003) indicates that Sudan-Sale that is mostly 1 1 states of Northern Nigeria have suffered decrease in rainfall in the range of about 30-40 percent or about 3-4 percent decades since the beginning of the century. With this desert encroachment, over 90 percent of the population in the frontline states being farmers who depend directly on a wide range of natural resources and the ecosystem revise for their livelihood will face the severe impact of drought. Desertification leads to poverty with all social, economic and cultural consequences, with women being the most vulnerable and also leading to serious wind erosion and loss of agricultural lands. Desertification could also lead to food insecurity, loss of livelihoods and livestock, forced migration, increase in rate of soil erosion, contribution to global warming and loss of bio diversity. One of the major causes of desertification is deforestation, which is the cutting down of trees for domestic uses and this affects the ecosystem actively. Overgrazing of lands by nomads and careless bush burning could also contribute to the desertification. Solutions. There are possible solutions to global warming and desertification in Nigeria, The citizens and the government should put in effort to curb the effects of these two problems. The govern meet should also implement policies that would encourage the planting and grooming of trees. Drastic measures should be taken concerning industries that release dangerous fumes and toxic gases into the atmosphere.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

EUROPEAN UNION LAW Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

EUROPEAN UNION LAW - Essay Example The reason why Costa wanted an application of Article 177 is to be able to draw an interpretation of Articles 102, 93, 53 and 37 of the said Treaty, all alleged by Costa to have been infringed by the new law. These provisions deal with proscribed legislative acts of Member States. In February 1964, the Milan Court filed for an application of preliminary ruling before the European Court of Justice (ECJ). 3 (a) Costa. The position of Costa was that ECJ acquires jurisdiction by the mere application of a preliminary ruling whereby the application clearly shows the need for Court interpretation of any of the provisions of the Treaty. Moreover, it is not within the prerogative of the Court to determine how a court of a Member State has arrived at the fact of the referral. 5 (b) Italian Government. The Italian Government contended that the application for preliminary hearing was in itself inadmissible because it asked the ECJ not only to interpret the Treaty but also rule on the compatibility of the Italian law with the Treaty. A national court, according to the Italian government, does not have recourse to the ECJ on the basis of an application for preliminary ruling when the dispute attendant to the case requires only the application of a domestic law and not one of the provisions of the Treaty. The only way to involve the ECJ, according to the Italian government, is through Articles 160 and 170 which deal with the European Commission’s direct intervention by bringing case to the ECJ after determination of Member State’s non-compliance with its orders and when a Member State brings a matter against another Member State to the ECJ, respectively. 6 Rationale for the Decision: Whether or not a case involves the application of domestic law and not the Treaty itself, the ECJ can acquire jurisdiction over it once an application for preliminary ruling is submitted showing a need for the interpretation of any of the Treaty

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Beneifts of Early Intervention Systems for Police Officers Essay

Beneifts of Early Intervention Systems for Police Officers - Essay Example Police officials who have been working with the EIS for many years indicate that this type of intervention practices have a positive effect on officer performance. Principles for promoting police integrity, a report published by the US Department of Justice in 2001, says that EI systems are one of the best practices to promote police officers’ accountability; and the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement also recommends the practice of EI systems to meet the institution’s values and mission statement. When there is an effective EI system in operation, police officers are less likely to engage in corrupt practices due to the fear of disciplinary actions. Furthermore, since EI system continuously monitors police officers’ practices, officers may be motivated to improve their performance standards. One of the major benefits of EIS is that they control misconducts in police departments and thereby keep the dignity of police officers. Studies found that thou gh only a small percent of officers are corrupt, they destroy the reputation of the whole police department. Hence, EI systems are the best mechanism to attain people’s confidence in policing. ... In addition to police managers’ monitoring activities, a well designed EI system receives complaints from common people. Since police officers interact more with local people in their day to day dealings, the citizen complaint system would be more effective to identify the corrupt policing practices. According to the US Department of Justice, the EI system is a potential mechanism to identify racial discrimination practices of police officers in traffic stops. â€Å"EI systems are consistent with the goals of Community Policing and can help improve police-community relation problems† (Walker, 2003). In other words, this mechanism has the ability to build strong policy-community relations, which in turn will reduce crime rates in the community. Studies reflect that since EI systems make police officers responsible for their actions, these systems can improve police integrity as well. According to a study conducted by the National Institute of Injustice, the three EI syst ems including Miami-Dade, Minneapolis, and New Orleans are found effective in reducing the use of force incidents and people complaints. To illustrate, the average rate of citizen complaints in Minneapolis declined by 67 percent after the introduction of the EI system (as cited in OPI research paper). As Walker (2003) opines, the MI systems not only prevent corrupt policing practices but also improve the behavior of subject officers. Another major advantage of EI systems is that they have the potential to distinguish top performing police officers from underperforming officers and problem making officers. Hence, the system can be used for the purpose of police officer promotions or provision of remedial assistance for officers

Monday, November 18, 2019

Us Imported Oil case - Revised Action Plan Study

Us Imported Oil - Revised Action Plan - Case Study Example Total level of crude oil production has been volatile, but with a sharp increasing trend, since the year 2009, while domestic production of natural oils has been improving consistently. These observations suggest improving capacity to generate different sources of fuel and identify feasibility of a transition from crude oil usage to reliance on natural gas. Consistent improvement in petroleum processing gain and emergence and growth of renewable fuels and oxygenated production also shows improved capacity to exploit sources of fuel while reducing trend in total fuel imports since the year identifies the nation’s growing ability to rely on internal energy supply. The nation has also been able to reduce its reliance of petroleum products and to reduce its net petroleum exports, a factor that suggest future positive stock exchange from petroleum. The trend in data therefore shows that the United States has the capacity to reduce it importation and consumption of petroleum product s and to generate and use natural gas and renewable fuel. Industrial and domestic use of petroleum products has been identified as a major global environmental concern, identifying significance of the action plan, and the above analysis shows the nation’s ability to implement the plan. The United States Department of Energy. (2014). Strategic plan-2014-2018. The United States Department of Energy. Retrieved from:

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Issues Regarding Child Sexual Abuse

The Issues Regarding Child Sexual Abuse For my final year I have been assigned to produce a dissertation on a topic of my own interest. During my second year of this course I was at a placement in a Supported Housing organisation. Whilst working there I came across a lot of child abuse issues, in particular child sexual abuse and this is where my interest in seeking more knowledge about the subject came about. I have chosen to focus on the issues regarding the sexual abuse of children and how this affects their life as children and as adults. The topic itself is quite a complex one to define and understand. The issue of sexual abuse began to attract widespread attention as a social issue in the late 1970s. However, the extent of child sexual abuse has only been fully recognised over the last 20 years or so. But exact figures depend on how sexual abuse is being defined. The term child abuse refers in this dissertation to the physical or emotional mistreatment and neglect of children or their sexual exploitation, in circumst ances for which the parents can be held responsible through acts of commission or omission (cited in Doyle, 2006). The possibility of child sexual activities taking place arouses feelings of disgust and horror; it is condemned by society as a violation of what is normal sexual behaviour. I have chosen to structure this dissertation into 6 sections. In the first chapter I will start of by defining and explaining what child sexual abuse is. The second chapter will consist of describing who the perpetrators of child sexual abuse are. I will explore further into their reasons for committing such an offence and if it is linked with their past. Most people who have suffered sexual abuse when they were younger do not grow up to abuse. Jones (2002) states that, a significant minority of those who sexually abuse children have themselves suffered physical and sexual abuse in their own childhood. The most potent predictors of who is likely to commit the most serious and prolonged sexual abuse are childhood family violence, loss of a carer, and family breakdown. Sex offenders are noted for their invisibility. When people think of a sex offender they may visualize a stereotypical image of a man filthily dressed, hanging around street corners though in truth the sex offender appea rs in many forms and in all walks of life. When people hear of a sex offence, they generally associate total strangers to be the ones who carry out the crime, what they dont realise is that sex offending itself takes many forms. In some cases the abuser may be diagnosed as having serious mental health problems. For example, a woman drowns her twin 6 month old daughters. Another mother throws her daughter off a bridge into icy water. A father has sexual intercourse with his 6 month old daughter. These descriptions are often enough to convince most people that only someone who is mentally disturbed or truly psychotic would inflict such grievous harm onto a defenceless child (Gelles Cornell, 1990). The third chapter is based on the victims of child sexual abuse. Children who are sexually abused generally find it harder to talk directly and clearly about their experiences. Although some children disclose, many do not. Many children assume that, if their parents mistreat them, it is because every parent behaves in that way (Doyle, 2006). Children can become attached to abusing parents. They often want the abuse to stop but crave the abusers love. Every child has a right to receive a good standard of care and protection, and parents have a duty to provide this, however, this is not always the case. Sexual abuse victims may protect their self-image by convincing themselves that there is nothing wrong in sexual relationships between adults and children. Wyre (1986) noted that many men who had raped children had been sexually abused as children and had incorporated their experiences of abuse into their own sexuality. Findings from Trickett and Putnam (1998) show that about a third of sexually abused children who have been sexually abused are at specific risk of developing sexual problems and sexualised behaviour. For some children, being inappropriately sexual with other people is the only way they know to love and get close to people. As adolescents, some boys who have been sexually abused show an increased likelihood of exposing their genitals to women, or being sexually coercive. Some girls become sexually, and often indiscriminately very active. Sexual promiscuity can get both young boys and girls into social difficulties. In the case of early sexual activity amongst sexually abused girls there is the risk of teenage pregnancy (Trickett and Putnam 1998, cited in Howe 2005). The fourth chapter outlines the long term and short term effects child sexual abuse has on victims. I will describe the extent an abused childs developmental stage is impaired. The more forceful and violent the abuse, the more the individual is likely to suffer trauma. The most crucial period of a childs life is when assumptions about the world, others and the self are being formed. Unlike adults, childrens lives are affected and traumatised during this period. REFERENCE These posttraumatic reactions can easily collide with a childs social and psychological maturation, which leads to a potentially typical dysfunctional development. The amount of damage caused to the victims is unpredictable. Survivors of sexual abuse are often described as having a number of emotional, cognitive, and social difficulties. The child perceives the self as unworthy of being loved or protected. This leads to low self-esteem. Chapter 5 illustrates a case study in relation to my second year work placement at a supported housing organisation intended for individuals who are just released from prison. Whilst working there, my main interests were within the YOT team. During my first few days I read a particular clients file, who was part of the Program X scheme. I found his file very interesting as there were serious issues of child sexual abuse associated with his life, which later led to extreme depression and suicide attempts. Last but not least, the next stage is to determine how these issues can be addressed and if victims find a way to escape the nightmares associated with the abuse. Do they ever live a normal life again? This can prove difficult at times as many abuse survivors inappropriately assume responsibility for what was done to them as children and are often believed to have provoked it in some way, REFERENCE some deny that abuse ever occurred in the first place, and underestimate their personal rights to self-determination and safety. There are many agencies and organisations that provide help and support to individuals suffering from child sexual abuse. Getting help through therapy allows the survivor to find closure. Finally, I will end the dissertation with concluding comments regarding the issues discussed throughout the dissertation. Chapter 1 What is Child Sexual Abuse? Sexual violence and childhood sexual abuse are two of the most serious and damaging crimes in our society. for victims, these crimes represent a violation which can have a significant and ongoing consequences for health and wellbeing. REFERENCE Many patients who have been abused do not talk about sexual issues with their health care providers. REFERENCE They often feel disconnected from their bodies and health needs. REFERENCE Sexual abuse is defined in the Department of Health 1999 guidelines as: Involving, forcing or enticing a child or young person to take part in sexual activities, whether or not the child is aware of what is happening. The activities may involve physical contact, including penetrative (e.g. rape or buggery) and non-penetrative acts. They may include non-contact activities, such as involving children in looking at, or in the production of, pornographic material or watching sexual activities or encouraging children to behave in sexually inappropriate ways. (Department of Health 1999: 6, cited in Corby, 2006). The above definition states that the sexual abuse of a child does not necessarily need to involve physical contact. It provides examples of such non-contact abuse but does not mention intra-familial abuse or anything about the age of the perpetrator. Another definition used is: Any child below the age of consent may be deemed to have been sexually abused when a sexually mature person has, by design or by neglect of their usual societal or specific responsibilities in relation to the child, engaged or permitted the engagement of that child in any activity of a sexual nature which is intended to lead to the sexual gratification of the sexually mature person. This definition pertains whether or not it involves genital contact or physical contact, and whether or not there is discernible harmful outcome in the short-term. (Glaser and Frosh 1988: 5) The issue of defining sexual abuse in practice is both problematical and complex. In some cases, there are overlaps and connections between the different forms of abuse. For example, a child might be sexually and physically abused, neglected and physically abused and so on. Very young children as well as older ones are affected by sexual abuse and now it is a crime thought far more common than it was previously. Sexual abuse is harmful at all stages but Corby (2000) suggests it is considered to have greater effects, where the abuse is carried out by a father figure; if it is accompanied by threat, force or violence; where the sexual act involves penetration; where the abuse has continued for some time and finally where the family responds negatively regarding the abuse (Howe, 2005). History There is little evidence about sexual abuse of children in antiquity and medieval times. Growing up in Rome or Greece frequently involved being sexually abused by older men (de Mause 1976: 43). In Scotland 1757, incest was given the death penalty (Corby, 2006). By contrast, in England during the twentieth century, incest became a legal offence. . By the beginning of the Second World War, under the 1908 Incest Act the number of prosecutions for incest gradually increased reaching 100 a year (Corby, 2006). The definition of incest in the Sexual Offences Act of 1956 is as follows: It is an offence for a man to have sexual intercourse with a woman whom he knows to be his grand-daughter, daughter, sister or is an offence for a woman of the age of sixteen or over to permit a man whom she knows to be her grandfather, father, brother or son to have sexual intercourse with her by her consent (Smith Hogan, 1983: 419, cited in Howitt, 1992). In 1937 the state of Michigan enacted a sexual psychopath legislation. In the same period of the 1930s there is also evidence that the public became more concerned about sexual offences. REFERENCE By 1960 there were some 27 states and the District of Columbia with a version of a sexually dangerous person law. From the late 1930s onwards to the early 1960s there was emphasis on the treatment of offenders through involuntary civil commitment procedures rather than punishment after conviction. Reasons for jurisdictions over such offenders varied among 27 states. Beginning in the late 1950s and continuing for nearly two decades, there was a panic over sex crimes, sexual deviance and sexual behaviour generally. By the late 1980s almost half of the states with sexually dangerous persons legislation had revoked the statutes. In 1994 a provision entitled the Jacob Wetterling Crimes Against Children and Sexually Violent Offender Registration Act was included in the omnibus 1994 crime bill. In 1997, the Wetterling Act  [1]  was amended to allow for community notification, which permitted law enforcement personnel to disclose registry information to neighbourhood residents about sex offenders who live in close proximity. REFERENCE The NSPCC began to tackle child sexual abuse within the family, which was previously ignored as an issue. The NSPCC did not bring sexual abuse to public attention, in the same way as it had publicised physical abuse and neglect, despite its awareness and recognition. This response reflected a general attitude to the issue, which was one of not wanting to know, a conspiracy of silence. Many parents keep their childs abuse a secret even if they know of it. By contrast, however, child prostitution received far more public attention. In the summer of 1987, newspapers reported a child sexual abuse scandal in Cleveland. It emerged that 121 children had been brought into care over a period of six months on place of safety orders on the recommendation of two paediatricians who had diagnosed them as having been anally abused. Up to this time, for child protection agencies in Britain, the issue of child sexual abuse had been a relatively minor concern. Child sexual abuse was beginning to find its way onto the official child protection agenda by 1987, although the response to such abuse throughout Britain was patchy and variable. The Cleveland report had an impact on the passage of the 1989 Children Act through Parliament. Findings from the Cleveland inquiry report confirmed that, child sexual abuse was a more widespread phenomenon than had previously been thought to be the case. Similarly, in 1991 in Clwyd, residential social workers in two childrens homes were prosecuted for serious sexual offences against children in their care. As a result, Clwyd County Council set up its own independent inquiry which commenced in 1996 and reported in 2000. Its findings were that there was evidence of widespread physical and sexual abuse of girls and boys in Clwyd during this period (Corby, 2006). Concerns about the use of child pornography have risen since the 1990s. Sadly, only a fraction of the sexual abuse of children is ever reported. Silverman and Wilson (2002) reported that in 1995 the Obscene Publications Unit of Greater Manchester Police seized about a dozen images of child pornography during the whole year, but in 1999 the unit recovered 41,000 images and by 2001 so many images were being recovered that they had to stop counting. REFERENCE Public concern over the sexual abuse of children is a relatively recent phenomenon. It is only recently that the general public in Britain has begun to realise that, far from being an extremely rare phenomenon, the sexual abuse of children is much more widespread. As in the USA, a number of tragic cases in the 1990s in England and Wales have attracted widespread publicity, provoked public outcry and provided a legislative and organisational change. In Britain, media interest in sexual offenders released from prison and allowed to live anonymously in the community created an outbreak in public anxiety following the abduction and murder, of seven year old Sara Payne in July 2000 in Sussex. Here newspaper accounts criticised the probation service for failing to prevent Sarah Paynes death. REFERENCE. Since then, Britains local newspapers have been concerned about the risks to children from sex offenders living in the community. It is seen from all this that sexual abuse of children occur s at all levels of society.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Hunchback Of Notre Dame :: essays research papers

A gem that has several very visible flaws; yet, with these flaws, "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" shines as the best from the Disney factory yet. For, at first, the company name and movie title didn't quite appear to sit well together. You don't marry the king of novel Gothic gloom (Mr. Victor Hugo) with one of the world's most beloved (if not biggest) animation companies and expect the usual world population to be at the reception; but expect even Mr. Walt Disney to pat himself on the shoulder blade (or what's left of it) for allowing a hideous hunchback to be transformed into a Gene Kelly-Incredible Hulk combo type of hero. This "hero" is Quasimodo (Tom Hulce), which by the way means half-formed. It's about his distorted education (whoever teaches the alphabet using abomination, blasphemy, condemnation, damnation and eternal damnation ?), his humiliation (being crowned the king of fools), his first love and his big, big heart. It's about how our outward appearances should not matter (sounds familiar?). It's about believing in yourself but not being self-righteous. And it's about reliving the magic of Oscar-nominated "Beauty and the Beast", directed by Kirk Wise and Gary Trousdale (both, incidentally, were also responsible for "Hunchback".) Wise and Trousdale obviously had a vision that didn't exactly conform to your usual "and they lived happily ever after" type of fairy tale. They employed a lot of artistic license when rewriting the plot. It was, after all, a cartoon; but they didn't allow it to become an excuse to dissolve the poignancy and tragedy into nothingness. Quasimodo did not get the girl. Nobody exactly lived "happily ever after". There was an amazing amount of implicit blood and violence. All that with Quasimodo's unrestrained outburst near the end and the best animated celluloid representation of the kiss contribute to the real emotions that flowed from the characters. Talking about being real, the drawings in "Hunchback" were simply breathtaking. The two directors and chief artists actually made their way to the famed Notre Dame cathedral in Paris to experience first hand the magnificence and beauty of it. For ten whole days, they walked through, looked from, sat on, literally lived and breathed Notre Dame. The artists even "swatched" some dirt just to match the colour! The result was such artistry that even George Lucas and Steven Spielberg would have wanted to call their own. The scenes in the market place, the panoramic view of the steps of Notre Dame and beyond all left me gaping in wonder and sheer excitement that such representation could be possible through animation; it's all thanks to computer animation.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Media as the main branch of society that sway Gender Essay

In the current era, media had been greatly influencing the society. Through the variety of information and mediums the industry could utilize, seemingly media could create numerous impact in the lives of many people. In the movie Bodyguard which was publicized in 1992 provides one of the most distinct examples which could be highlighted to see the power of the media. In terms of gender topics, media had been the main industry that has the authority to proclaim what should or should not be for various genders in the society. The movie Bodyguard starred the most popular actors during the early 90s such as Kevin Costner and Whitney Houston. Both of these actors have their own image which the masses view of them. Therefore, there is an immediate connotation when it comes to the characters they portray. Kevin Costner is known to be a very good actor who had been acknowledged in many award giving bodies. Whitney Houston on the other hand is a very popular singer who is idolized by many. In the movie, Houston sort of, portrayed herself while Costner captured the role of a masculine, â€Å"only-doing-his-job† body guard who is very much protective of Whitney for the reason that she has a stalker. Houston on the other hand is a famous singer who was being harassed by a stalker. Thus seeing the main personalities, the characters does portray a very â€Å"in-the-box† nuance of what a male and a female should be. Just like in fairytales, the woman must be saved by a man in order for her to get through the evil witches who were often abusing the helpless lead character. In conclusion, media and the concept of media go together. The perspective of the media of what should or should not be is immediately absorbed by the society. Moreover, the movie Bodyguard supports the concept of the typical male and female responsibilities which is practiced by the society. Thus, the media supports this type of perspective of gender which strictly assumes that men are strong and protective while women are vulnerable and weak. References Costner, K. , Kasdan, L. & Wilson, J. (Producers). Jackson, M. (Director). (1992). Bodyguard. [Motion Picture]. United States: Warner Brothers.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Heineken environment analysis Essay Example

Heineken environment analysis Essay Example Heineken environment analysis Paper Heineken environment analysis Paper External analysis of the company Porters five forces model The bargaining power of suppliers The suppliers of raw materials to Heinlein Company are mainly farmers. Therefore, the threat for power of supplier is high. The bottle supplier for Heinlein is provided by Hey Glass Underlain which is fully supplied the green bottle for the worldwide distribution of Heinlein beer. In the past, Heinlein kept only 33% its stake in Hey Glass in order to secure the supply of high quality export bottles at a lower cost to meet the needs for demand but now Heinlein has kept 100% stake in 2002. Beer is produced by water, barley, hops and yeast. These ingredients are supplied by farmers. Heinlein also mentioned that competition for agricultural products from the blissful industry that is affecting their costs. The bargaining power of buyers The buyers in this industry have many choices as there are many companies serving beer. This will increase the choice of the customer and hence the threat for power of buyers is high. For example, for serving customer at the pub, there are a lot of beer brands for them to fit their taste such as Guinness, Scrabbles, Tiger. Therefore, buyers now have a choice to choose the one they eke. As a result, choosing of customer for what kind beer they want to drink will bring threats for Heinlein. The threat of potential new entrants Nowadays, an explosion of smaller brewers has entered the market during the past decade that making the industry much more competitive. Heinlein is one of the largest brewers in the world and they have to share market with other brewer. The barrier in the beer market is low. Therefore, the threat of potential new entrants for Heinlein is high. This will make Heinlein considering to create innovation or unique ensues into their product that can sustain competitive advantages in the beer market. The threat of substitutes Beer is a kind of beverage which contains alcohol. However, people can switch to drink wine which also is alcohol drink. Customers taste is not similar so that they have right to choose what they want to enjoy, so this will affect the beer market as well as Heinlein Company. As a result, the threat of substitute for beer market is high. The extent of competitive rivalry Heinlein has achieved the economy of scale in the market especially in Europe. It holds about 30% of market share in European beer market. Since he beer market is growing, so the competitors will try to attain their growth targets. The large brewer like Heinlein tends to enforce their own strategies to the beer industry and due the economies of scale they will produce higher quality and unique products which can make their own place in the market, hence keep themselves growing to achieve their target. Internal analysis of the company Analysis the resources Tangible: Since Heinlein know that their plant and equipment is a key for company production, they invest so much in the infrastructure to make sure that their operation is working efficiently. For example, Heinlein have four breweries in Russia, all those use KHZ Till plant technology. This equipment at Whininesss packaging can processes 50 liter kegs in addition to 30 liter at an output of up to 140 kegs an hour. As a result, the two-lane machine can operate with one racking, six washing and sterilizing stations. Intangible: brand name is most valuable asset of the Heinlein Company, they has built this name Heinlein with premium brand. The company recognizes that brand is very important key for them to develop a strong presence globally in the beer market so that Heinlein have a lot of marketing activities or its brand name. Furthermore, branding is also a highly defensible competitive advantage for Heinlein; this would bring strength to company expansion. Hence Heinlein Company can stretch their production internationally and add more money for company. Management capability: Heinlein implemented a number of new initiatives in the area of leadership development in 2004. One is a new leadership competency model that defines behavior expectations from all senior managers at Heinlein. The model takes Heinlein company ambitions and values as a starting point and translates these into the leadership behavior squired from senior managers. With marketing differentiation using different message within normal media advertising can also have differentiating effect. This differentiation will bring strengths for Heinlein. When most advertisers are pursuing essentially the beer market with the same message like showing gregarious groups Of males in public houses having an enjoyable night out. In the other hand, Heinlein managed to differentiate its beer by using a series of advertisements employing humor and the caption Heinlein refreshed the parts other beers can not reach. Organizational structure In 2005 Heinlein announced that it was created a new top management structure, this would drive and support growth as a global organization. In order to connect functions, operation and finance in a more effective way, the company create a new more streamlines Executive Board. Hence change would lead to create strengths for operating regions and global functions. Furthermore, Heinlein has grown substantially over the past four years. The new structure is better suited to the present organization and ensures faster decision-making. In the beer market where the consolidation process is accelerating and rapid introduction of innovations is essential, this is crucial to the achievement of Whininesss long term ambitions. Culture Heinlein is proud of they are one Of the worlds great beer companies. Hence their culture will reflect the company view and values. These values create so many strengths for company to develop their environment within the company. Heinlein based on the value that they respect their employees, business partners, customers, shareholders and all others who are connected to the company. Furthermore, Heinlein make life more enjoyable by bring enjoyment to life, they also encourage this core value within the working places and atmosphere within the company. In addition, company has a fundamental belief in the concept and delivery of quality, it is also reflected in their other activities such as their social and employment policies. This will create benefit and value both for Heinlein and their reputation.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on Franz Berwald

Franz Adolf Berwald Franz Adolf Berwald was born in Stockholm on July 23, 1796. He was the son of a German violinist in the royal orchestra, named Christian Friedrich Georg Berwald. For the most part, Franz taught himself, but he did study music with his father and composition with J.B.E Dupuy. At the age of sixteen, Berwald was employed in the court orchestra as a violinist. During his break from the court orchestra, Franz was inspired to publish his own Musikalsk journal. The journal contained easy piano pieces and songs for the amateur market. The lack of enthusiasm in his home country for his highly original and bold style provoked Berwald to leave Sweden to try and make a career abroad. Following a tour of Norway, he spent time studying in Berlin, where his opera Estrella di Soria was performed. They were even less receptive to the radicalism of Berwald’s music than Stockholm. He almost gave up on composition in order to run a successful orthopedic institute. Franz then lived for a period in Vienna, where he began seriously composing again. He married in 1841 to Mathilde Scherer. His works were staged to increasingly supportive audiences. In 1842, he wrote a symphony, Sinfonie sà ©rieuse. This was the only one of his symphonies that he saw performed in his lifetime. On his return to Sweden in 1845, the Royal Opera's did a production of his operetta Modehandlerskan. It was a failure. Nonetheless, Berwald persevered and produced three more symphonies, including Sinfonie capricieuse and Sinfonie singulià ©re. The latter in particular, which has only three movements instead of the usual four, reveals his skill as an orchestrator, and is perhaps his finest work. Berwald spent a further three years traveling in Europe, where he met with varying degrees of success. In Paris neither the Conservatoire nor the Opà ©ra-Comique showed interest, but in Vienna he did see a performance of his opera Ein Landliches Verlo... Free Essays on Franz Berwald Free Essays on Franz Berwald Franz Adolf Berwald Franz Adolf Berwald was born in Stockholm on July 23, 1796. He was the son of a German violinist in the royal orchestra, named Christian Friedrich Georg Berwald. For the most part, Franz taught himself, but he did study music with his father and composition with J.B.E Dupuy. At the age of sixteen, Berwald was employed in the court orchestra as a violinist. During his break from the court orchestra, Franz was inspired to publish his own Musikalsk journal. The journal contained easy piano pieces and songs for the amateur market. The lack of enthusiasm in his home country for his highly original and bold style provoked Berwald to leave Sweden to try and make a career abroad. Following a tour of Norway, he spent time studying in Berlin, where his opera Estrella di Soria was performed. They were even less receptive to the radicalism of Berwald’s music than Stockholm. He almost gave up on composition in order to run a successful orthopedic institute. Franz then lived for a period in Vienna, where he began seriously composing again. He married in 1841 to Mathilde Scherer. His works were staged to increasingly supportive audiences. In 1842, he wrote a symphony, Sinfonie sà ©rieuse. This was the only one of his symphonies that he saw performed in his lifetime. On his return to Sweden in 1845, the Royal Opera's did a production of his operetta Modehandlerskan. It was a failure. Nonetheless, Berwald persevered and produced three more symphonies, including Sinfonie capricieuse and Sinfonie singulià ©re. The latter in particular, which has only three movements instead of the usual four, reveals his skill as an orchestrator, and is perhaps his finest work. Berwald spent a further three years traveling in Europe, where he met with varying degrees of success. In Paris neither the Conservatoire nor the Opà ©ra-Comique showed interest, but in Vienna he did see a performance of his opera Ein Landliches Verlo...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Are there fundamental differences between western mathematics and Essay

Are there fundamental differences between western mathematics and tranditional chinese mathematics - Essay Example Instead back then they utilized alphabets so as to represent numbers. This reflects that mathematical terminologies are in use since the ancient times. However, in the present days rapid development has been witnessed in the field of mathematics. Mathematics originated simultaneously with other human production activities of the older times. The Ancient Chinese call mathematics as one of the six arts and it has been also treated as the preliminary point of philosophy by the Ancient Greeks. After thousands of years of developmental phase, mathematics has undergone various theoretical and practical changes. In the present times it is defined as the branch of science which deals with skillful operations. The rules and concepts of Mathematics are primarily developed for the purpose of conducting dexterous procedures. The basic emphasis of the subject has always been upon the development of new concepts. The concepts of basic mathematics, especially elementary geometry, were designed in order to define the units which are directly used in the real world (Wigner 1960). Chinese civilization is as ancient as Babylonian and Egyptian civilization. Somewhere in 1200 BC, during the times of Shang Dynasty, Chinese used to do mathematical calculations with the help of markings on tortoise shells and animal bones. This reflects that they were more inclined towards the numeric calculations rather than inventing new mathematical concepts. Similarly the ancient Chinese mathematics books have a vast collection of practical problems, giving the problems first and followed by their solutions. In this modern age Chinese still use the same pattern for teaching purposes. However, contrary to the Chinese mechanical algorithm, western mathematics focuses on the proof and derivation so as to develop new concepts in the field of mathematics (Boyer and Merzbach 2011, p. 7). The basic purpose of Chinese mathematics is to utilize the mathematical concepts in

Friday, November 1, 2019

Labour Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Labour Law - Essay Example This paves the way against further abuse by employers who wish to minimize the number of employees employed by demanding rendition of work beyond what a human being may ordinarily give. Three, it also provides no less than twenty-eight (28) paid holidays which gives an opportunity to implement work-life balance. The latter is the strategy recently being propagated in the international community that allows every employee or worker to perform his responsibilities as a family man and as a social person without sacrificing his work. Since work-life balance theory was only introduced and implemented lately, it can be considered that British Labour Law appropriately and timely provided for this right or opportunity to all workers under its jurisdiction. Four, the right to flexible working patterns provided under the Employment Rights Act of 1996, the Maternity and Parental Leave Regulations of 1999, and the Additional Paternity Leave Regulations of 2010 provide for more broader opportunit ies for both men and women to perform their tasks as parents. The laws also recognize the need of the parents to take leaves from work in order to care for their children without fear of affecting their career advancement. These laws, obviously give equal rights for both mothers and fathers, unlike in other countries and/or in previous laws wherein only the rights of the mother is recognized due to physical giving of birth. Now, British Labour Laws recognize the fact that even the father of a child needs to be with his child, and has the obligation or responsibility to care for the child in lieu of or together with the mother. The Pensions Act of 2008 which requires the employers to automatically enroll every jobholder or worker in an occupational pension scheme, unless the latter refuse later on, is also commendable, considering that with the recent trend amongst young professionals, the biggest tendency is for them to spend their hard-earned monies to travels and buying unnecessar y gadgets, leaving nothing for the future. This law adequately addresses the long-term problem that might be encountered by the workers by mandating the periodic contribution to a pension plan that will ultimately benefit the workers themselves. Also, the Equality Act of 2010 which provides for a detailed process of investigation of discrimination and/or harassment cases, is considered adequate to address contemporary manner of abuses in the workplace. Unlike before wherein the prosecution and investigation of abuses are left with the individual concerned, now, the employer has the obligation to undertake its own investigation of any possible act of discrimination or harassment. Thus, the employers are now more involved in the protection of its employees against abuses, not only against the employers themselves but also against fellow employees. On the other hand, while the Employment Rights Act of 1996 provides for a consolidated set of rights for working persons, still, British La bour Laws fail to give an exact or concrete definition of an employee for purposes of determining who are the real beneficiaries of these rights. Some parts of the law mention of worker, other parts mention of employee, while others refer to job contractor, and others. It would have been better if this can be addressed to as soon as possible so that the persons to whom these

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Recruitment process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Recruitment process - Essay Example Recruitment is the process of identifying and hiring qualified candidates for a job opening. However, recruitment process involves attracting, hiring, and interviewing new employees. On the other hand, selection process is the evaluation of candidate, through interview, for specific job. There is a difference between recruitment and selection process. Recruitment process mostly involves attracting candidates who are later hired for a job upon qualifications. The selection process involves identifying the qualities needed for a candidate to quality for a job. Internal methods of recruitment are usually done for the preparation of a recruitment process. There are a number of internal methods of recruitment. The first process in recruitment is job analysis. This entails reviewing the manpower plan of the company frequently so as to establish a gap. The Human Resource Manager liaises with the head of departments so as to see whether a job position in a given sector is necessary. Such a position should be ideal in that it should allow for future promotion and expansion. Once such a job position is confirmed, the concerned HR manager fills a requisition form which is sent to the Line Manager. The Line Manager then submits it to the Recruitment Manager upon its approval. The Recruitment Manager has the final say hence his approval leads to creation of a vacancy. (Lee, 2012:19).this new development comes with a myriad of details that include: job posting which involves the possibility of workers within the company applying for the created vacan cy; reference number of the vacancy, postal postal association and the academic qualifications, skills and experience required for the vacancy. The second stage involves writing the Job Description and PS. The departmental heads are vital components when it comes to giving the boundaries of the job in the form of a job description. This is simply because he or she is

Monday, October 28, 2019

Sinises film version Of Mice and Men Essay Example for Free

Sinises film version Of Mice and Men Essay Analyse both the beginning and ending of Steinbecks novel with the opening and closing sequences of Sinises film version Of Mice and Men They are many of difficulties that a director faces when adapting a classic novel to the big screen. One of the biggest difficulties Sinise would have faced in adapting Of Mice and Men in to a film would have been living up to the standard and expectation of the book. Imagination is a lot different to reality but imagination is extremely hard to capture on the Big Screen because there is possibility that what someone imagines is completely different to the film and therefore be disappointed in the film. There is also a lot of description in the book that paints a picture for the reader and he will have to try and involve some of this in the film. They story of Of Mice and Men is set during the depression that followed the Wall Street Crash of 1929. It involves the effects of poverty and the difficulty of getting a job. It follows two men, George and Lennie and their struggle to find employment. The novel show a great bond between them and how the two try and overcome Lennies disability. In the beginning of the novel Steinbeck creates a calming mood wereas in the film it starts with action. He also used a lot of effective description that helps the reader get a clear understanding of the setting he uses On one side of the river the golden foothill slopes curve up to the strong and rocky Gabilan mountains, but on the valley side the water is lined with trees- willows fresh and green with every spring, carrying in their lower leaf juncture the debris of the winters flooding When describing the two men he gives the reader the impression that one seems to be more powerful than the other even in the open one stayed behind the other. He also describes the first man as having restless eyes this tells you he is always looking out for his friend. His friend was the complete opposite , a huge man, shapeless of face, with large, pale eyes, with wide sloping shoulders; and he walked heavily, dragging his feet a little, the way a bear drags his paws. The way he has described the way he walks shows his strength. The beginning in book and film is most important because the author or film maker needs to attract the attention of the audience, interest them in what is going on and make them want to read or watch more. The way Steinbeck and Sinise have done this is both effective and creative but both different. They both start in different settings. The book describes every thing about the setting and its surroundings and doesnt introduce any characters till about the fourth page. It also starts as if everything is happening there and then and doesnt mention anything about a flash back, whereas in the film it starts as a flash back.. In the film George is shown on a train in a fast mid-shot sitting in the corner lonely and isolated in a crouched position, it shows him in thought. It then goes on a CU of George that shows we are going into his thoughts. It cuts to an MS of a woman running in a red dress (representing danger) which is ripped. It zooms in slowly and ends on a CU of woman and shows her emotions and tells the audience she is afraid and terrified. This is not mentioned at all in the beginning of the book. It soon cuts to a LS of two males running. There are rapid changing of shots showing action in the film. MS on males, cuts to a CU of viscous dogs barking and then LS on horses that gives the impression of hunting and also shows time in setting. The audience is involved when the camera is placed in the water that the males (George and Lennie) run through. The music in the film is slow at the start which creates a mood of sadness to the film and relates to the persons emotions, it tells you that George is upset. The music starts slow then gradually gets faster and tells you something is happening (chasing) it is also serious. Not a lot of dialogue is used at the beginning. You hear a woman screaming sounding frightened. You also hear a man shouting Come on! Lennie This tells us that they need to get away from what is happening and also gives one name of a character. There is a lot of SFX are used effectively during the beginning, dogs barking, a train, the music ends abruptly and you can hear the woman out of breath. You can also hear men running and splashes of water. The book lacks action and starts more calmly than the film. The book doesnt tell you why the men are running away and doesnt mention the woman, train or dogs at all during the beginning. The introduction to the two characters (George and Lennie) is very different. In the book it starts with a great deal of description. The film shows you they are in some kind of danger whereas in the book it introduces them calm and with a lot of description about setting and location. The death of Lennie shows alot more emotion in the novel, compared to that of the video. this is because it is slow, and it moves the reader, and makes the reader become emotionally involved. Steinbeck has used some short sentences to create a more dramatic effect of for example: George was silent. This shows Georges emotion. Not long after And he fell silent again. This again shows his emotion and that he just cant cope. Lennie at this point is confused, he has realised that he has done another bad thing but doesnt understands why George isnt angry at him. Lennie tries hard to understand and came to his own conclusion that George would live a better life without him and was willing to leave and let George carry on with his life. George lets him know that he doesnt want him to leave him, even though deep down he agrees that without Lennie he would live an easier life, not having someone to watch all the time. They then start talking about the dream they both had where they would own a place of their own and every thing was perfect. George shakily said Take off your hat Lennie The way he said it shows that he is not showin confidence. George told Lennie to look away, this gave him time to get ready and he used Carlsons Luger too. Which is the same way the dog died, this tells the reader that a death might occur. He looked at the back of Lennies head, at the place where the spine ant the skull were joined. He is thinking very hard here at which would be the least painful for Lennie, who is still no wiser that soon he will die, by his best friend. He is very child like and the book shows this by him giggling while thinking of the dream. He also has an obsession on rabbits (like the way a child would) and shows a lot of excitement towards the dream because he would finally get to tend the rabbits. George wanted Lennie to die happy and finally built up the courage to do it at his happiest. At first his hand shook violently this again shows his emotion. Steinbeck now used another short sentence for effect He pulled the trigger. This is used to shock the reader and also show emotion towards Lennie. The novel ends coldly with a cold-hearted remark from Carlson, Now what the hell ya suppose is eatin them two guys? In the film the death of Lennie is a lot quicker and shocking. When talking about the dream George shoots him first time Lennie says and I get to tend the rabbits Lennies child like features are shown again when he is dead because once he is shot he lies curled up like a baby with George standing over him. It shows Georges emotion towards Lennie and the close bond the had. In the film it doesnt show the audience his struggle to build up the courage to shoot him. It then cuts back to a CU George on the train again, like in the beginning. This time we again go in to his thoughts as he remembers the good times with Lennie. It then shows George and Lennie side by side, Laughing and smiling. Lennie puts his arm around George like a child wanting affection from his mother. This caption is in slow motion to show the audience how close they were and it also gets the audience emotionally involved again and makes them feel sorry. The music used in this part of the film is sad and slow, again for emotion. In my conclusion I have found that there can be a lot of differences between the book and the film. In my opinion I didnt prefer either one because I liked both of them but for different reasons. I liked the book because I liked the idea that Steinbeck emotionally involved the reader with the death of Lennie. It was in my opinion more emotional than the film even though it is upsetting because the music sad and the flash back at the end makes you feel sorry for Lennie and also George.