Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Self and Community Exploring the Anatomy of Modern Society Respect

Question: Discuss about theSelf and Community Exploring the Anatomy of Modern SocietyforRespect. Answer: Introduction Human dignity refers to the process in which a person showed concern, respect and responsible behavior towards other individuals to make them feel valued and appreciated in the society (Beitz, 2013). On the other side, Warburton (2013) noted that community development refers the process of joining hands to form solutions to general problems within the society. Community developers should encourage treating each other within the community with care, respect and value to create human dignity which is a fundamental aspect towards community development. This editorial opinion looks at some of the roles that the community developer, in the modern society can play to ensure development of the community. Providing Solution to General Problems The society faces a lot of challenges such as disagreements within the members, family break-ups and divorce, unemployment, and poverty especially in the rural areas (Cotterrell, 2013). Community developers can intervene and try to provide a solution. The process will require different strategies and approaches to ensure that the problem is eliminated. For example, disputes, conflicts and family issues can be solved by organizing an agenda-setting meeting to discuss, address and plan together. The developers can approach related government ministry officials and or big businesses to provide financial support to the poor, initiate programs which will offer employment opportunities for the purpose of developing the society. Assisting the Youth Community developers can assist children and students in the society who drop out of school, those who are homeless and the ones affected by drug abuse. The young people are the future assets and backbone of the society (Teasley, 2013). They should be taken care of by their parents, guardians, and relatives to ensure that they are successful. However, some encounter challenges which deter their progress at schools and in life. The developers can find suitable ways to solve such problems, for instance, helping the homeless to find Children Centers, holding seminars with students to talk about dangers of drug and alcohol abuse which cause truancy. For the affected, they can be taken to a rehabilitation center for counseling. By doing these activities, human dignity will be imposed on the young generation making a community develop. Education and the Society Education to the community improves human dignity. Most of the local people do not understand their skills and potential capabilities which are necessary for building their social and economic aspects (Edwards, Raggatt, Small, 2013). In improving the community, the developers can organize rallies and seminars to educate the society about their rights and freedoms, available opportunities and inspire them on benefits of development. Where possible, forums can be established to deal with problems such as child abuse, counseling, and dispute resolutions. Upon doing so, the society will have productive people who can secure job facilities, create businesses in the local area which gradually converts a rural to an urban region. Improving the Environment Quality Citizens can be trained on how to improve their field of residence by providing a suitable, conducive environment and sustainable climate to live. (Edwards, Raggatt, Small, 2013) Explains that the society can be taught how on basic methods of preventing pollution, ways of improving their land like curbing land degradation, deforestation, and gully erosions. Such activities will help in improving agricultural produce, and reducing pollution-related risks like contamination of water which causes an outbreak of water-borne diseases. Such activities will have a positive impact on the community, and it will make them feel important and recognized which promotes human dignity. Managing Man-Made Disasters It is an unexpected catastrophe which results in physical destruction and damage to the region, but it is directly caused by intentional, deliberate or negligence of one or a group of people (Bloom, Anderson, 2016).The affected individuals face challenges in trying to re-establish themselves. However, community developers can intervene to assist them and prevent such dangers from re-occurring more so if it was human-made (Bixby, Pace, 2014). Human-caused disasters include explosions, a release of toxic chemicals and collapsing of buildings. The developers can assist in informing people ways to prevent and manage the disasters like handling machines and equipment correctly without negligence. After complying with the listed measures, the community will be ensured of safety and protection making them work comfortably hence developing the society. Conclusion Community developers are essential individuals in handling the challenges that society is facing. They help to promote human dignity among people who cause a significant contribution towards building a community. Therefore, they should first understand the fundamental problems facing the community. This will enable them to set up development measures that are in line with the core problems affecting a particular community. References Beitz, C. R. (2013). Human dignity in the theory of human rights: Nothing but a phrase? Philosophy Public Affairs, 41(3), 259-290. Bixby, J. S., Pace, J. L. (Eds.). (2014). Educating democratic citizens in troubled times:Qualitative studies of current efforts. SUNY Press. Bloom, J., Anderson, R. (2016). U.S. Patent No. 20,160,093,191. Washington, DC: U.S.Patent and Trademark Office. Cotterrell, R. (2013). Law, culture and society: Legal ideas in the mirror of social theory.Ash gate Publishing, Ltd. Edwards, R., Raggatt, P., Small, N. (Eds.). (2013). The learning society: challenges and Trends. Routledge. Teasley, M. (2013). Cyberbullying, youth behavior and society. Journal of Child and AdolescentBehavior, 2, 120. Warburton, D. (2013). Community and sustainable development: participation in the future.Routledge.

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