Sunday, December 22, 2019

Ophelia Essay - 1494 Words

Ophelia A play with great value and quality would best describe one of Shakespeare’s intriguing plays, Hamlet. Events, dilemmas, action, and the characters all contribute greatly to make the play interesting and appealing. Every event that occurs leads to the outcome of dilemmas and action. The characters personalities is what makes the action is even more exciting. Each character has got their own special significance in the roles they play. However Ophelia, the daughter of the Lord Chamberlain Polonius, allows an atmosphere of simplicity and delicacy to surround the play. Her simple nature causes inner thoughts that allow us to question her true character. From the start of the play Ophelia seems to always keep her distance and†¦show more content†¦She had been scared from his appearance and the way he looked at her. She exclaims, â€Å"O, my lord, my lord, I have been so affrighted.† (2.1. 74) â€Å"As if he had been loosed out of hell to speak of horrors - he comes before me† (2.1. 82-83) after having met Hamlet. She describes his bizarre looks and believes, as her father does, that the cause of his distraction is his love towards her. Hamlet had been trying to find relief for his deep grief in her. However, her naà ¯ve character didn’t allow her to infer that there was something so much worse gnawing at Hamlet. Her father drags this incident to Claudius and Gertrude who agree to devise a plan to spy on Hamlet, using Ophelia. She doesn’t object. For the sake of obedience and loyalty to her father, she looses Hamlet’s love. She is greatly terrified by Hamlet’s actions and when he dec lares that he doesn’t love her. â€Å"You should not have believed me†¦I loved you not† (3.1. 118-121) After being very feisty and robust with her she exclaims her sorrow by saying, â€Å"And I, of ladies most deject and wretched, that sucked the honey of his music vows†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (3.1. 154-155) At this situation she is gullible and very vulnerable. Hamlet had hurt her bluntly and left her to deal with the sorrows she felt. However, that was due to him knowing of her betrayal, agreeing to help them spy on him. He needed Ophelia for comfort and was raging when he found nothing. During the play ‘Mouse-trap’ that HamletShow MoreRelatedRelationship Between Ophelia And Ophelia1437 Words   |  6 PagesThe kind of relationship Hamlet and Ophelia had was not only complex but it was very problematic. 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