Thursday, November 28, 2019

Essay Examples on The Vietnam War Essay Example

Essay Examples on The Vietnam War Paper 1st Essay Sample on The Vietnam War The war in Vietnam was mostly a helicopter and air war there were many jets and helicopters that had been shot down in the enemy controlled areas in the than that a survivor of a one of these crashes were captured they would become a prisoner of war or POW’s Violations of the Geneva Convention occurred in the Vietnam War (1959-1975). Ill treatment of prisoners was brought to light by the Red Cross throughout the war. In September 1969 the North Vietnamese Red Cross declared that U.S. pilots, guilty of â€Å"crimes against humanity,† would not be given the protections afforded by the Geneva Convention. South Vietnamese mistreatment of prisoners of war was alleged in 1970 in reports that so-called tiger cages were used to confine North Vietnamese prisoners. In the Vietnamese conflict, a major concern in negotiations between the United States and North Vietnam was the release of hundreds of American prisoners of war and the repatriation of both North and South Vietnamese prisoners. By 1971 the prospects of U.S. withdrawal from Vietnam depended largely on a solution of the prisoner-of-war problem, which had been employed as a bargaining point by North Vietnam. On February 12, 1973, after the signing of the cease-fire in January, thefirst contingent of 143 American military and civilian prisoners of war arrived in the Philippines. During the following weeks, 444 prisoners were released. Two decades later, more than 2000 U.S. soldiers remained unaccounted for and are listed as missing in action. 2nd Essay Sample on The Vietnam War Throughout the past century, there have been numerous controversial topics from suffrage to slavery.Perhaps one of the most controversial, at least in my opinion, was the war in Vietnam. Even today, right now, if you ask someone what he or she thinks about the Vietnam War, you are sure to get an earful.But, while opinions have their place, the real questions still linger. How did this war start? What was the United States involvement in the war? Lastly, was the price that the United States paid worth it? These are the questions I posed to myself, and then set out to try and answer here, in this paper. The Vietnamese War, as defined to me in the New StandardEncyclopedia,was anundeclaredwarforthecontrolofSouthVietnam,startingin 1957andendingin1975.The war began as a Communist guerrilla campaign supported by North Vietnam, who sought control of South Vietnam. The United States feared that Communism would spread, and President Eisenhowers Domino Theory was born. By 1965 the United States assumed a major role when units of Marines became thefirst combat troops in South Vietnam. In April, thefirst North Vietnamese regular units infiltrated South Vietnam. President Johnson increased United States involvement in July of that same year by strengthening arms by 125,000 men. By the end of 1965, there were 181,000 American troops along with troops sent by South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand. August of 1968 was without a doubt the bloodiest and most horrific year of the war that the American soldiers had to endure. This was the year of the Tet Offensive, which had started in January of that year with the North Vietnamese launching major attacks on more than 30 major cities. The Communists were driven out after weeks of never ending battles during which they suffered substantial losses. We will write a custom essay sample on Essay Examples on The Vietnam War specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Essay Examples on The Vietnam War specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Essay Examples on The Vietnam War specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer

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