Monday, October 7, 2019

Professional Development Plan Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Professional Development Plan - Term Paper Example Professional Development Plan My educational life was initially like that of any other learner. Elementary school and high school education was similar to that of any other learners. My interest, however, was based in the sciences. I had the desire to understand the working of the human body and what causes disease. My nature inclines me to caring for people, so seeing people suffer really affects me. I am a firm believer that if all people worked together to help those who are less fortunate, the world would be more habitable for all. Interest in sciences directed me to participate in science clubs and activities all through my elementary and high school education. I also actively participated in the first aid society at my school. The members participated in community service. Community service has been a significant part of my learning life. Whenever opportunities presented themselves, I found this experience enlightening. I am currently pursuing a nursing career, and I have an associate degree which helped me realize the aspects that nursing incorporates. During the course of study, I was able to get experience in addressing real-life patient situations. My goals are, however, focused on advancing my nursing career beyond my current qualifications. There are several options that I could pursue, and as such, ensure a productive career that not only is fulfilling, but also of benefit to the society. In planning for my nursing career, I have come to the realization that following a course without planning is equivalent to career suicide.

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